Coleen had her own column in the celebrity magazine Closer entitled "Welcome to My World", for which she earned up to £10000. However she left "Closer" in 2008 and now writes a weekly column for OK! magazine, for which she is paid £41667 per month . Coleen writes about her style and news . Coleen tried her hand at presenting when, in May 2006, she assisted Sir Trevor McDonald on his show Tonight with Trevor McDonald in a programme about the genetic disorder Rett syndrome, a cause she can identify with due to her younger sister having the condition. She won the Ariel high street fashion award (as voted for by the public) for 'Best Dressed Female', turning up to the event in a Topshop dress. She presented awards at the ELLE Style awards, Television awards and also presented an award to Best Dressed Female at Aintree in which she handed out the prizes, which included a shopping bag from Coleen's favourite store, Liverpool boutique Cricket.